Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Exercise addiction

People keep telling me, and have for years, that when you exercise regularly, you get addicted to the feeling and keep exercising because of it.  I have never personally experienced this addiction.  Honestly, I get more pleasure from a pack of cigarettes, a 6 pack of beer, or a bowl of ice cream than I ever remember getting from exercise.  Exercise has always felt more like work than anything else.  I enjoy riding my bike, but obviously not enough to actually go out and do it since it was collecting dust until I started riding the trainer.  I enjoyed my Monday morning run, but not the same run today. 

I have to force myself to go out and do it every time.  For example, this morning I thought I'd hit a second snooze and gotten back in bed.  Turns out it was the first and I would have been fine, but for a minute, I was just thinking there'd be no harm in pushing it off a day, ignoring the fact that the long weekend is going to screw up my run schedule enough and there's no way I'm going jogging in the mountains.  Same thing happened last year when I was trying to do 10k steps.  One cold morning, one extra snooze, one day of not feeling like it and it was all over.  I'm pretty sure the only saving grace I'll have is the fact that C25K is a lot more structured than doing it on my own.  Also, my long term military goal should help some.

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