Monday, December 20, 2010

First run in 9 days.

After the 5k on the 11th, I decided to take time off to let my foot recover.  Since I hadn't had any pain pretty much since the 5k, I decided to start back up today with a test run.  About 5 minutes in I noticed some twinges in my left foot.  Nothing serious but made me pay attention.  I noticed pain in my right foot somewhere around the 3/4 - 1 mile mark.  That was more serious.  I decided discretion was the better part of valor and headed home.  Didn't even make myself run all the way back to my start point. 

Somewhat disappointing for the first day back, especially since the new pain makes me worry I may be out for even longer.  I'll head out again tomorrow or Wednesday to try again.  May just need to walk for a week to get everything loosened up again.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Another 5k another PR

Yesterday's 5K was basically the same route as my first one in October.  I wasn't sure how it would go with the foot pain that keeps creeping back, but I decided to go for it anyway.  I wrapped my foot, dressed for cold with sun, and made my way to the race. 

Got there and got my number.  Suddenly realized that I hadn't had any water that morning, just coffee.  Luckily there was free water available so I grabbed a bottle and drank it down fast so it would have time to cycle through and started stretching.  My foot wrap wasn't comfortable at all so I pulled it off.  I should have known better than to do something new on a race day.  I figured my foot would probably hurt by the end anyway so it was more about being comfortable until the pain started.

I've finally learned to line up to the front and side of the pack so I can get around the slow folks who line up at the front.  As usual there was a group of middle school age kids out at the front, which always troubles me.  More often than not they've gotten in my way weaving through the crowd or goofing around with their friends instead of running.  I should probably start going to the very front of the pack, but I worry that I'll get in someone's way.

We had a mini parade to the actual starting line and Santa got us started.  I got to my pace and focused on keeping my speed up.  Knowing the course helped with that.  I got to the first mile mark and realized that, unlike the last time I ran that course, there was more of a pack than the last time.  I assume that's because I was moving faster than the last time I ran it.  That and the fact people were starting to walk the hills helped me keep my pace up.

Somewhere near the end of the second mile, my foot started to hurt.  It happened in the middle of an incline as well so I was not happy about that.  I contemplated walking the hill to rest my foot, but I realized all that would do was slow me down and make it harder to start running later, so I kept running.  I tried to maintain pace, but I'm not sure if I did.  I made a mistake around the two mile mark as well, I grabbed water from the water station.  It was a mistake because I've never done that before.  First attempt to sip at speed went down wrong.  I guess I'm just not coordinated enough to drink from a cup while running so in the future water during runs will be in sport bottle form.  The only reason I grabbed it was the lack of water before the run.  What I did manage to drink gave me a slight cramp so I'll have to work on that for the longer runs.

One of the great things about this course is that it's all downhill after the second mile.  At least in my head, that was going to be easier on my foot than a flat or uphill.  At least I kept telling myself that and it helped me hold my pace.  I sped up around 3 miles and soon after that I could see the clock and realized that I could beat 27:30 clock time if pushed it, so I dug down and found some more speed.

That last mile was more about finishing and holding pace through pain than anything else.  I was really happy I managed to gut through it, especially since my foot doesn't hurt at all today so there's no permanent damage. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Running may have been a mistake

Just today not in general.  Things started out fine.  Woke up and my foot didn't hurt when I put weight on it.  Got dressed, stretched and went out to face the subfreezing temperatures.  Warm up walk went fine.  First couple of miles went fine.  Most of my body was warmed up by then.  My hands were blocks of ice, but that's not a big deal.  The run up to that point was going great.  I told myself I should probably head back when I first felt the discomfort in my foot, but for some reason I talked myself out of it.  I think I was convincing myself that it was just my brain trying to get out of running.  So I turned to do the next leg of my run.  Still was just a little soreness during that whole time.  Never the pain I experienced last week when it started.  At least not until I finished my 3.27 miles and started my cool down.  Then it hurt every time I put weight on it.  Maybe it has something to do with the running versus the walking motion and the amount of time my weight is actually on my foot when I walk compared to when I run.  All I know is I popped Advil and got out the ice pack as soon as I got home.  Hopefully that, wrapping the foot and ankle, and resting for 72 hours will put me in shape to run on Saturday.  Then I'll just take time off and do other exercise for a while.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Another 5 days no running

I woke up last Thursday with foot pain.  Based on research, it was tendinitis.  Hurt to put weight on it, hurt to walk, but RICE and Advil helped so I was pretty sure I didn't break it.  It's mostly healed up now, though there was a twinge when I first put weight on it this morning.  I attribute that to spending all day yesterday on my feet.  I'll walk 2-3 miles tomorrow to loosen everything back up and run Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 

The JAG app is now pending board review instead of just being under completeness review.  Kind of scary really because I'm nowhere near the weight I need to be, but I really want it to come through so I can get my law career started.  Applying for everything under the sun, but JAG just seems the be the right choice.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New personal records

Today was supposed to be the 35 minute OHR run for Week 4.  Actually, that was supposed to be yesterday but a headache and rain made me postpone.  I'm sure part of it is knowing I've run for 35 minutes before so it didn't seem like much of a milestone.  Regardless, I was bound and determined to do it today.  I mapped out a route that would require me to maintain an 8:20 pace to finish in 35 minutes.  I did that so that I wouldn't run out of run before I ran out of time.

I made my way out into the frigid morning, 35 that felt like 26 according to  I was tempted to run a second round on the hill loop, but since it had been almost a week and I mapped out my route with only 1 lap of it, I stuck to the planned route.  I didn't want to try to estimate my distance and screw things up. 

I realized during the hill loop that my 5 minute warnings weren't chiming.  I almost stopped to look at Interval Runner to make sure it was going, and those announcements help me with my speed, but I decided knowing my time wasn't important.  I was going for the distance no matter how long it took.  I kept running and decided to do the side street in my neighborhood before going to the main road.  It's basically flat which helps after that long climb in the first mile.

When I got to the main road, the wind hit hard.  I actually felt myself slow down.  I swear the wind changed when I got to my turn point and was in my face again back down the hill.  Then it turned again for the run back up.  Only had a tailwind on the last downhill portion before I went back into my subdivision.  I was feeling good by then and actually considered a third run up that hill, but I knew I was running short on time.  Made my way toward home, dodging the idiot woman who almost hit me at the 4 way stop.  She waited until I was running in front of her car to decide she should start moving.  Luckily, I always expect people to be idiots so I was able to dodge her.  I was tempted to get her license plate and hunt her down later, but it wasn't worth the effort.

Only pain I had was a side stitch that started around mile 2 and went away at some point.  I'm just glad I was able to run through it.  Shame no one knows what causes the pain. 

I'm pushing the next week of OHR to next week.  Wind sprints at the tennis court tomorrow morning and an attempt to do 5.25 or 6 miles on Saturday.