Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mid week post

Yesterday's ride on the trainer was completely uneventful.  There's a shocker.  Granted just spinning for 30 minutes is an accomplishment, but it's also ungodly dull.  I'm going to have to start bringing my bike to work and riding nearby in the evening just so I can actually get some real miles on it before the time changes and it's too dark at night.

Today was Week 3 Day 2 and it was not nearly as impressive as Monday.  Granted the run was the same distance and, I assume, speed, but it didn't feel as good.  Had some shin pain, some knee pain, and some back pain again by the end.  I pushed the beginning of the second 3 minutes just to force my body to do it when it started to rebel against me.  I thought that might actually make me feel a little better, but it didn't.  At least I got through it instead of bailing on the last run.

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