Monday, November 29, 2010


Mostly on posts.  Short work weeks and going out of town are distractions from regular posting.

I did run last Wednesday and Thursday.  Wednesday was a slower than normal pace, at least slower than recently.  I guessed at total time since it was the 29 minute OHR Week 4 run.  I suppose it's entirely possible I ran it faster, but I prefer to assume I ran about a 10 minute pace.

I didn't count Thursday toward OHR because I only timed my first 1.2 miles because I wanted to run it at a fast pace.  Ran an 8:32 pace for the first mile then finished up the normal 3 mile run and went home.  I assume my pace was about the same as the run for justice.

I planned to run Saturday, but I woke up with a headache that just wouldn't go away.  It was bad enough to put me back in bed to try to sleep it off, which I never do.  Was going to make up for it today, but the little one woke up at 1am again and that threw my whole sleep schedule off so I decided to push it to tomorrow morning.  I'll run Tues, Thurs, Sat the next 2 weeks since I have a 5k on the 11th.  May throw a light Sunday run in there on the 5th just to do it.

I may try driving to a run site tomorrow morning.  It's only about a mile away and it lets me run for 2 miles before I turn and go back instead of the .4 mile turns I normally do.

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