Finally ran again today, 3.35 - 3.4 miles in about 32 minutes. I wish Interval Runner tracked time after the scheduled run time passes, though now that I'm officially done with the first 3 weeks of runs, the times get all goofy anyway.
First mile was the hill again. I hit the ten minute mark at about 1.06 or 1.07 miles, which is about .05 miles faster than last week. Not a significant improvement, but I'll take it. And I didn't feel like my legs were going to fall off or catch fire like last week, so that's an even better indicator that the hill run is beneficial.
Got done with the hill and went through the normal run. The 5 minute warnings on the ipod are pretty good for reminding me to focus on speed and stride, but I still feel like I'm slowing down almost right after I speed up. Of course, a minute of running faster then going back to 6mph isn't a bad thing so I suppose I shouldn't worry about it too much. I would be happy just plodding along if it weren't for the time limit on the JAG run. I really need to get out for the run as fast as I can 2 miler soon to get the worry out of my head.
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