Saturday, May 26, 2012

Finally ran again

Only 2 miles total run/walk, but I rant two half mile chunks.  Might have run more on the first one, but still not over my cold so the lungs decided they'd had enough thank you and that I needed to walk for a bit.  Still, gave me hope for running on vacation and being ready for the Peachtree.


Cold and cough.  Haven't run in a week.  Maybe tomorrow.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Training for half

Found an interval plan that will get me to 13 miles in 12 weeks.  Granted it's a half running 3 minutes and walking 1, but it's a half.  Might extend the run intervals as it progresses, depends on how my legs react.  Best part is that the weekday runs cap at 5 miles unlike the other plans so not going to gave to Gerri up at 5am to run.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Long break

From all things running really.  I tried to maintain, but I just kept putting it off.  It was too hot, too cold, too early, too late.  Luckily I didn't put too much weight back on.  So now I'm once again 2 months from the Peachtree and trying to get myself in decent enough shape to run at least 4 miles of it.  I've been walking with the family off and on for a month.  I just finished Week 1 of C25K in my Merrell True Gloves.  Not sure how those are going to work out anymore.  Glad I bought them with a gift card.  Of course, my legs were hurting today before I even started so can't really blame the shoes yet.  See how my Week 2 goes.  Going to map out a condensed version of C25K that goes right into One Hour Runner without the 3 weeks of 30 minute runs at the beginning.  I think I have enough time if I do 2 days of each C25K week instead of three and run every other day instead of 3 days a week.